Tuesday 28 October 2008

Drum Beat- Brainstorming with Chris

Adam thought that we needed to expand our ideas and brainstorm as a group, so Chris and I did! we came up with some new ideas, that were more fun and interesting.

My favourite is the "TV box"; click a button and different channels come up. with the"queen's speech" and other programs that are on at Christmas, but the Drum Beat Version! Its really fun and cheeky with a christmas theme.

Tuesday 21 October 2008

Drum Beat- Comment Box Replies

I have just opened my comments box, and found nearly 20 comments relating to Christmas, which I am so happy with, as it will help me with my development of my Drum Beat Brief.

I found all the notes really interesting, all showing different views and what other people really get up to at Christmas! here are what some of the notes said in my box;

"I love it when its really cold outside and your sat in front of the fire watching christmas films like Home Alone."

"I hate Christmas because it costs' so much money- and I always think when it's all out- how I could of gone on a fab holiday instead."


"Xmas for me is all about my children.
I love giving + choosing right presents for people.
I do feel sentimental, brings back 
childhood memories.
Like going to church sing long carols + hymns
Money is a pressure though."

"I love keeping back presents till boxing day because it really annoys my sister! LOL! :D"

The general comments on the notes are that Christmas is for children, some saying that they are sentimental about christmas when they were a child. Some say the pressure on money over christmas to make it "perfect" for their loved ones. I was quite shocked by the amount of people that sound that they spend christmas alone, or just with close friends and families, only spending it with the select view, in one case just the dog. I was also interested about the amount of notes said visiting the "cemetery" on Christmas Day, as my family have never done that.

I am really pleased on the amount of notes I got in the box, and I have decided to leave it out until Thursday, to see if I can get any more i the box. I defiantly think that it has given me a wider perspective on Christmas. 

Friday 17 October 2008

Drum Beat- What do you think about christmas?

When discussing my ideas for the Drum Beat brief with Adam Cooke, Adam thought that I hadn't researched what I was going to use as my christmas theme, for my flash piece. I had decided that I was going to use were snowflakes, but Adam asked me why I decided to use snowflakes. My reply was that I had chosen snowflakes because they were christmasy. He said that I haven't thought about enough, and said to me that christmas is different for everyone! therefore, different things mean christmas for different people.
Adam said that I need to ask different people what they do and think at christmas. So I decided to Email Drum Beat to see what they think and do at Christmas. I have also made a "comments box" that Have put in the Art School, 
 with a sign saying;

" I know that christmas is far away, but what do you do at christmas? what do you love? what do you hate? any stories? traditions? Please could you write down on the paper and post i through the box"

I am hoping that I will get a few notes through and hopefully I will gain a wider view of christmas! I am going to collect the box on tuesday to see what I have got inside!

A photo of the box that I have put out;

Someone putting a comment in my box;

I am also going to think of other christmas symbols that I could use, staying away from the usual snowflakes, snowmen etc. and also stay away from religious symbols too, as its for a design company. 
For Drum Beat brief, I need to think outside of the box, trying to show christmas in a different light. I think that nower days, everyone does the same thing for christmas, and I don't want to be stuck in the same rutt. 

Tuesday 14 October 2008

Drum Beat- Research


To make a Digital Piece that promotes Drum Beat, I christmas theme that needs to be interactive and engaging, that creates interest, and get customers to get in contact with Drum Beat.

Starting Point;

When reading the brief, I highlighted words that I thought were important in this brief, and are using them as starting points.

  • Minimal
  • Understated
  • Corporate
  • With a bit of Edge
  • Clean
  • Minimal

What I found on their website;
  • Its all about the 3 R's; "Recycle, Renew and reuse"
  • "we believe that inspirational design shouldn't cost the Earth"
  • "Driven by design"
  • "Responsive, creative and fun"

I think that this brief needs to be seen in "a fun" light, but still maintains the professional look that their company has. I am weary that it can't be "too cheeky" as current and future costumers of Drum Beat will see it.
This brief will be really fun to carry out, because it is quite a loose brief, so they are open to all ideas, but my only worry is that my lack of flash skills, and that I need to consider working with someone, that has those skills, but also can develop my ideas with.



Thursday 9 October 2008

Nugo Nakamurah

Nugo Nakamurah

While I was in an Actionscript lesson with Liz, I came across Nugo Nakamurah, a new designer, that has made some of the most interesting flash pieces, including a piece called "Jampack" where balls fall down from the top of the screen, and start to pile up. the design is very simple but unique, just a black circle with two little white crosses on, with a white background. What makes this interesting, is that you can interact with the piece, you can click on the balls, throw them around, make them "pop" etc.

Nugo really showed me what can be made in flash, and that it has no boundaries, unlike what I thought before I came across him. I think that he shows that simplicity is the key, and that overcomplicating things is not going to work. The thing about this piece I like the most is that it is so simple but really effective to the viewer. 
I think that the balls are made randomly, therefore every interaction with the piece is different. The work has real originality  as I have never seen anything like it before. The website has also has many other flash pieces and work, including a piece called "border" that also interacts with the mouse, as the mouse moves around the screen, the "border" is affected by it, and makes waves in the line.

Here is a screen photo of the website, showing the "jampack" flash piece.

Useful Websites;
Profile on Yugo Nakamura; http:designboom.com/portrait/flash.html
Yugo's Official Website; www.yugop.com