Tuesday 14 October 2008

Drum Beat- Research


To make a Digital Piece that promotes Drum Beat, I christmas theme that needs to be interactive and engaging, that creates interest, and get customers to get in contact with Drum Beat.

Starting Point;

When reading the brief, I highlighted words that I thought were important in this brief, and are using them as starting points.

  • Minimal
  • Understated
  • Corporate
  • With a bit of Edge
  • Clean
  • Minimal

What I found on their website;
  • Its all about the 3 R's; "Recycle, Renew and reuse"
  • "we believe that inspirational design shouldn't cost the Earth"
  • "Driven by design"
  • "Responsive, creative and fun"

I think that this brief needs to be seen in "a fun" light, but still maintains the professional look that their company has. I am weary that it can't be "too cheeky" as current and future costumers of Drum Beat will see it.
This brief will be really fun to carry out, because it is quite a loose brief, so they are open to all ideas, but my only worry is that my lack of flash skills, and that I need to consider working with someone, that has those skills, but also can develop my ideas with.



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