Thursday 9 October 2008

Nugo Nakamurah

Nugo Nakamurah

While I was in an Actionscript lesson with Liz, I came across Nugo Nakamurah, a new designer, that has made some of the most interesting flash pieces, including a piece called "Jampack" where balls fall down from the top of the screen, and start to pile up. the design is very simple but unique, just a black circle with two little white crosses on, with a white background. What makes this interesting, is that you can interact with the piece, you can click on the balls, throw them around, make them "pop" etc.

Nugo really showed me what can be made in flash, and that it has no boundaries, unlike what I thought before I came across him. I think that he shows that simplicity is the key, and that overcomplicating things is not going to work. The thing about this piece I like the most is that it is so simple but really effective to the viewer. 
I think that the balls are made randomly, therefore every interaction with the piece is different. The work has real originality  as I have never seen anything like it before. The website has also has many other flash pieces and work, including a piece called "border" that also interacts with the mouse, as the mouse moves around the screen, the "border" is affected by it, and makes waves in the line.

Here is a screen photo of the website, showing the "jampack" flash piece.

Useful Websites;
Profile on Yugo Nakamura;
Yugo's Official Website;

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