Friday 17 October 2008

Drum Beat- What do you think about christmas?

When discussing my ideas for the Drum Beat brief with Adam Cooke, Adam thought that I hadn't researched what I was going to use as my christmas theme, for my flash piece. I had decided that I was going to use were snowflakes, but Adam asked me why I decided to use snowflakes. My reply was that I had chosen snowflakes because they were christmasy. He said that I haven't thought about enough, and said to me that christmas is different for everyone! therefore, different things mean christmas for different people.
Adam said that I need to ask different people what they do and think at christmas. So I decided to Email Drum Beat to see what they think and do at Christmas. I have also made a "comments box" that Have put in the Art School, 
 with a sign saying;

" I know that christmas is far away, but what do you do at christmas? what do you love? what do you hate? any stories? traditions? Please could you write down on the paper and post i through the box"

I am hoping that I will get a few notes through and hopefully I will gain a wider view of christmas! I am going to collect the box on tuesday to see what I have got inside!

A photo of the box that I have put out;

Someone putting a comment in my box;

I am also going to think of other christmas symbols that I could use, staying away from the usual snowflakes, snowmen etc. and also stay away from religious symbols too, as its for a design company. 
For Drum Beat brief, I need to think outside of the box, trying to show christmas in a different light. I think that nower days, everyone does the same thing for christmas, and I don't want to be stuck in the same rutt. 

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